Thorough cleansing is the most critical step in both a successful professional treatment and at-home regime. In fact, as the largest organ of elimination, proper cleansing of the skin is vital not only for it's immediate skin care benefits, but it's overall role in the maintenance of whole body health.
Everyone's daily skin care regime can be greatly enhanced with powerful problem solving masques. Designed for use one to two times per week, each masque provides a dramatic boost to the skin.<BR><BR>Whether you need super-deep cleansing or intensive moisture therapy, masques are the ideal regim supplement to help overcome common skin concerns.<BR>
Sunlight is without a doubt your skin's worst enemy, bombarding it on a daily basis with the UVA and UVB rays that promote premature aging and skin cancer. Statistics show that one in six individuals will develop skin cancer, adn 90% of these cancers are the direct of UV radiation from the sun. In fact, a severe sunburn before the age of eighteen exponentially increases your skin cancer risk, making a comprhensive program of sun protection vitally important for clients of all ages.
Solar Defence
While skin care's focus is primarily on the face, correct care of the skin on your body is vital to proper health maintenance, as well as the avoidance of premature ageing signs.
Spa Body Therapy
Daily grooming is part of maintaining not only the appearance, but the psyche as well. Daily grooming rituals such as shaving, cleansing and conditioning are key to our state of mind and self-esteem.<BR>
Daily Groomers

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